Closed Mindness

In a message for a Professor of mine, describing what I have recently observed within the Saudi society:

" I am alright medical school started and I loath the people here and I just hate how stupid and limited they are. . I think I finally got what Closed Minded means.. within modern language we use it to describe uptight people,  but after observing most of my classmates and how my educated intelligent professors approach them I came to understand the real meaning of it. It is like they are entrapped inside a bubble knowing that there is a world outside it but they refuse to explore it in fear of getting themelves contaminated with the evils they were raised to believe  existed. . And the way the more aware -maybe more intelligent?- approach them in is disgusting.. delicately afraid of breaking that bubble and exposing them to logic, empathy,  selflessness and every other beautiful aspect of humanity outside their pathological religious beliefs system . . They confused within this bubble ignorance with faith. . And it got too nasty. ."


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