
Showing posts from September, 2014

Of Good And Evil

It is shockingly amusing how we are -in majority- the most pretentious show-offy braggy society and yet we are so scared of being envied for it. If you believe that you have something that others might want and envy you for, and you believe that that could affect you and hurt you, then please stop showing it off, live moderately and stop obsessing that you and what you have consumes so much emotions and importance from other people. Or might as well stop living or practicing anything or being anyone, because, you know, people would envy you and that would totally ruin your life. Don't get me wrong I do know that "العين حق" and I do understand the religious dimension of it, but what annoys me is how people live on without understanding the practical realistic -or you could say the scientific- dimension of it. I have done a  lot of thinking about this and I do believe in it in the sense that we are created of much more than what we could sense with our five senses.


The words escape me. There is nothing left now but fractions of segmented memories of moments, of hours, of days... Of your scent, of your face, of your hands ..  tightly holding mine, softly caressing my face, safely wrapped around me. Of your eyes. Oh your bright bright eyes.   I have never. I will never, see the worlds I have seen through them again. I have loved them all.  Of your kisses . Warm.. fast, slow,  warm.. enthralling..  sweet, bitter, strong, deep. light...  Heavy with your breathing. I wonder what are your memories. .. I wonder how was it like for you, I wonder why it was not enough . I think I have lost myself somewhere, 'some-when' I took in every bit of you, every taste of you, every scent of you, every touch of you  all at once. Passion.. I remember .. your butterflies burning in my stomach, taught me what it meant. Maybe we burnt too many butterfl