
Showing posts from May, 2014


You can't kiss a girl like that and expect her to forget. You can't look in her eyes for that long then pray for the day you stop missing her.


What's really traumatizing is that I never imagined I loved you this much .

Wrenched Lullabies

Honey, people only write about their sadness. They live out their joy.

To A Life Consumed By Our Slow Decay

The Grass Was Greener. You are selfish , and I am burning with my caffeine blood and whoremones. The Light Was Brighter. You are gone , and I am torn by dead memories and nostalgic ghosts. The Taste Was Sweeter. You are love , and I deserve better .

A Falling Empire

I thought it was the love that persists. Lingers. Never fades nor diminishes. Fuck you, for all the ruins. Fuck me, For all the history.

Syrengic Comorbidity

I have always wondered how applicable it is to word your GRIEF? How is it possible to transmit such an intense deep emotional experience in a vocalised concrete manner. How can I tell you, How can I tell him, How can I tell me how I feel?         In those times where I feel my heart wrapped up in my losses, when I choke on the air I breathe, when a smile punctures holes in my soul; I feel so deviated from this vessel suffocating me.      I look at life, beauty, richness, happiness and all I could see is the inevitable death, ugliness, loss, and , misery.  I choke.     I can see life clearly, naked, stripped, and horrifyingly obscene.  How could any beauty exist after so much ugliness.  What amplutide of joy is needed to antagonise all the gloom, for something genuinely good to be felt again. Are we lost beyond redemption? Am I lost without redemption? I bleed.      The losing of everything a life entitles you to have. The losing of every love, every warmth didn't sn