Hannibal Ate An Apple

It is kind of denerving to think of the coincequence of our nature Vs. nurture.
I've never really had an appeal for neither. Attribute it to my ego and/or the roots I've stemmed from but I look at it this way;
Suggests that whatever makes me is stamped within me, a preordained fate that I cannot escape and I could never accept. I could never accept that whatever makes us up is so effortlessly obtained, so randomly "given". How it is a matter of a pre-set damn lucky  -or unlucky- genetics. How there is this blood running within us that can never evaporate out of our veins. And the worst part is having to owe it for those who "gave" me it, when we've long ago settled our debts.
As for nurture. . Well here where it gets tricky;
1. care for and protect (someone or something) while they are growing.
But is that what really happens to us?
Are we ever really "nurtured" for the sake of our own nurture alone?
And to not fall at the fallacy of taking it way too literal, and assuming all environmental factors fall under "nurture", where does control over our own becoming exist?
No Internal Locus of Control in the world could really help me choose the person I am today, it all seems rather chaotically coincidental.
So maybe between nature vs. nurture I choose neither.


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