
Watch "How to Practice Emotional First Aid | Guy Winch | TED Talks" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/F2hc2FLOdhI

I love love love this talk! It just shows how much we undermine our "Psychological Hygiene" and how all the consequent negative thoughts and emotions leave us trapped inside our own lonely heads.
I lived my entire life never viewing myself as a "lonely person" because I am always so good at surrounding myself with a lot of love from a lot of people, but that never seemed to ever fix this pit inside of my heart that just festeres, because at the end of the day I would be alone in my room with my thoughts. Watching this made something click, I am lonely.
I have been lonely for most of my life no matter how many family members I am close to;
No matter how many bestest friends I go through heaven and hell with;
No matter how many boyfriends have filled my heart with love;
I've been always lonely.
And despite all the endless talks, all the time spent with all of them I am still lonely.
We've been so socially accustomed to the notion of always needing an other person to complete us, to fill the void inside of our souls, when in reality we shouldn't be keeping one inside of us in the first place. We thrive on obsessing over our shortcomings, rejections, failures, disappointments and tear our own self further by lingering on them without realizing how we are entraping ourselves in our own minds. And I've been so focused trying to "fill myself" instead of just actively taking it out for a clean up. And that was stupid. Non of this is news to me, because I have been trying to live in that fleeting moment of The Now for soooo long but it just provides an additional perspective on what "all of this" -all of this human experience, life struggle, earthly living .. etc- might be about.


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